Reserve Bank of India will issue new five-year government bonds (maturing in 2028) to raise about Rs 8,000 crore in the first bond auction of the current financial year on April 06, 2023. The government of India (GoI) has indicated that it wants to mobilise up to Rs 33,000 crore through auction of three securities maturing in 2028, 2033 and 2052. GoI will have the option to retain additional subscription up to Rs 2,000 crore against each security.
The main aim of plant breeding is
Green Revolution in India was founded by whom in India to increase agricultural productivity in the developing world
What is the minimum number of farmers required to form an FPO in the plains under the scheme?
Which one of the followings sets of soil conditions is more suitable for plant growth?
Ragi is rich source of
Which of the following is not a chain?
Which program help the recovery of endangered species by preserving the existing gene pool and preventing inbreeding
The yellowing of green tissues or structures (especially leaves) due to either non-formation or destruction of chlorophyll.
Variable costs are the sum of..?
I. Marginal cost
II. Fixed cost
III. Average cos
‘Theory of humus’ was explained during: