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Government compiles estimates of rural and urban income, in terms of Per Capita Net Value Added (NVA), only in the base year of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) series, which is currently 2011-12. The per capita NVA for rural and urban area was Rs.40,925 and Rs.98,435 respectively in the year 2011-12. The government does not compile estimates of the average per capita income among the men and women, SCs and STs in the country. The primary policy objective of the Government is development of all segments of the population. Its focus on inclusive growth is reflected in commitment to Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas to reduce poverty and inequality, provide social security, income generation and livelihood options, and improve the quality of life of the vulnerable sections of the population in the country.
If x stands for ‘addition’, ÷ stands for ‘subtraction’, + stands for ‘multiplication’, and – stands for ‘division’, then 90 x 85 – ...
What will be the value of expression if the numbers/digits ‘(42)’ and ‘(18)’ are interchanged?
54 ÷ 42 × 10 + 18 – 12 + 20
...After interchanging the given two signs, what will be the value of the given equation? + and ÷
144 ÷ 12 + 36 × 3 - 18
If P denotes ‘multiplied by’, T denotes ‘subtracted’, M denotes ‘added to’ and B denotes ‘divided by’, then 48 B 6 P 15 T 14 M 12 =?
If '+' means 'subtraction', ' X ' means 'addition', '-' means 'division' and '÷' means 'multiplication', then what is the value of the following expres...
A seller sold a vehicle for Rs. 81,000 with the loss of 10%. At what price be sold to earn 10% profit?
If '+' means '-', ' X ' means '+', '-' means '÷' and '÷' means ' X ', then what is the value of the following expression?
912 - 8 + 211 X 14 ÷...
In a certain code of language, ‘+’ represents ‘×’, ‘-‘ represents ‘+’, ‘×’ represents ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ represents ‘-‘. Wh...
If ‘+’ means ‘÷’, ‘×’ means ‘−’, ‘÷’ means ‘+’ and ‘−’ means ‘×’, then what will come in place of the question m...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the “@” sign and balance the following equation.