According to the data provided by the Reserve Bank of India, bank credit rose by 15 per cent year-on-year (YoY) in 2022-23 (FY23), against 9.6 per cent YoY in 2021-22 (FY22) Â Â Â Bank deposits expanded 9.58 per cent YoY in FY23, against 8.9 per cent YoY growth seen in the previous financial year (FY22). Â Â The RBI data showed that bank deposit mobilisation lagged behind credit disbursements in FY23. They raised Rs 15.78 trillion through deposits in FY23, against Rs 13.51 trillion raised in FY22. The credit in absolute terms rose Rs 17.83 trillion in FY23, up from Rs 10.43 trillion in FY22.
What is the premium rate for commercial/ horticultural crops under PMFBY
Chemical formula of Gypsum is?
In delinting process, the ration of concentrated sulphuric acid to cotton seed is:
Recommendation to control weeds in pearl millet crop through herbicides is pre emergence application of?
……………………….is non-living organic matter within soil, derived from the microbial decomposition of plants and animalsÂ
...At what height, geostationary satellites are placed above the earth surface?
Which method used to preserves food by slowing down the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
The date beyond which a packaged food product may still be perfectly safe to eat, though its quality may have diminished is:
Which of the following is the traditional regulatory tool, which so far have been the focus of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India activities?
Insect pathology is the study of anything that goes wrong with an insect and, therefore, includes non-pathogenic and pathogenic causes. Father of Insec...