In India Justice Report (IJR) 2022 the State of Karnataka has achieved the top rank among the 18 large and mid-sized States with populations over one crore, as per the justice delivery namely Police, Judiciary, Prisons, and Legal Aid. The State of Tamil Nadu has ranked in second position and Telangana in Third. The State of Gujarat has got the fourth position and Andhra Pradesh is at slot five as per the report which was released on April 4 in New Delhi. This report is based on overall data of 4 pillars of justice delivery namely Police, Judiciary, Prisons, and Legal Aid. The State of Uttar Pradesh is at rank 18 which is the lowest.
The branch of horticulture, concerned with the production, harvesting, processing, preservation, storage and marketing of fruits and nuts is known as
Which breed of goat is known for its excellent meat quality and is often characterized by its tender meat?
In which ecological category do weeds with a tender, semi-aquatic habit that can thrive in waterlogged and partially dry conditions belong?
Which experiment provided conclusive evidence that DNA is the genetic material, not proteins?
Under the following option which are the common micro-organisms infecting grains in the storage?
Which one of the following strategies is not a part of Integrated pest and disease management in field crops?
What is Jeevamrutha in Zero Budget Natural Farming?
Which of the following weed causes Dropsy disease in humans?
Cut or excised leaves remain green for long if induced to root or dipped in_____
Respiration occurs