According to a new joint report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and JMK Research and Analytics, With 110 gigawatts (GW) of solar photovoltaic (PV) module capacity set to come online in the next three years, India will become self-sufficient and will be the second-largest PV manufacturing country after China. The report finds that India’s cumulative module manufacturing nameplate capacity more than doubled from 18GW in March 2022 to 38GW in March 2023. In terms of upcoming PV manufacturing installations, Gujarat is the leading state in India.
Shashi sells two articles for Rs.25000 each with no loss and no profit in the overall transaction. If one article is sold at 16(2/3)% loss, then the oth...
A bag of cost price of Rs. 9000 is marked up by a certain percentage, and a discount percent of twice the markup percent is offered on it. If there is a...
A seller marked an article 25% above its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of Rs. 60. If the seller earned a profit of 20% in the transacti...
There is a certain number of articles in the warehouse. Each article is given distinct codes which is either a single digit number or two consecutive si...
A merchant bought two items: a mixer and a juicer for Rs. 9,500. He sold the mixer at a profit of 30% and the juicer at a loss of 20%. Determine the cos...
A shopkeeper sold an article after giving a discount of 23% and made a profit of Rs.26. Find the difference between the marked price and selling price o...
A Shopkeeper gives 2 articles free on the purchase of every 10 articles. He also allows a discount of 20% to customer and still earn 25% profit. Find th...
A shopkeeper sells a product in Rs.2,160 and earns 12.5% profit. Tell the amount that is equal to half of the purchase price of the product (in Rs.)
A shop sells two brands of tea: Brand A and Brand B. The cost price of 1 kg of Brand A is ₹400, and Brand B is ₹300. The shopkeeper sells 10 kg of B...
A retailer marked up an item's price by 50% above its cost. Afterward, the item was offered at successive discounts of 20% and 10%. What was the percent...