Two-time Commonwealth Games champion Indian weightlifter Sanjita Chanu has been handed a four-year ban by the National Anti Doping Agency’s (NADA) Disciplinary Panel for failing a dope test last year. He had tested positive for an anabolic steroid — Drostanolone Metabolite — that features in the World Anti-doping Agency’s (WADA) prohibited list. About NADA Founded: 24 November 2005 Headquarters: New Delhi
Which among the following is not a natural method of rodent control?
Which one of the following climatic region is predominant in acid soils?
Which is not a high salt tolerant crop?
Which of the followings is non-selective, foliage active translocated herbicide?
In the tank capacity of the sprayer is 20 litres and the application rate is 500 I/ha, then butachlor 50 EC required at 1.4 kg ai//ha per spray load is ...
What is the characteristic symptom of Alternaria leaf spots caused by Alternaria solani on tomato plants?
When one single gene starts affecting multiple traits of living organisms, this phenomenon is known as…………………..
...Arka Jyoti is variety of:
Buggy whipping condition in sorghum is caused by
Total geographical area (mha) of India