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State-owned non-banking finance firm REC Ltd has raised USD 750 million (about Rs 6,138 crore) through the issuance of green bonds. The net proceeds from the issue of the bonds will be applied to finance, in whole or in part, the eligible green projects in accordance with the approvals granted by Reserve Bank of India from time to time and in accordance with the External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) guidelines.
A shopkeeper marked an article P% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 2160 after giving a discount of 20%. If the ratio of cost price and selling p...
Divisor is 6 times of Quotient and 2 times of its remainder. If the remainder is 18. Find the dividend?
The cost price and the marked price of a book have a ratio of 5:7. The book is sold at a profit of Rs. 100, and the marked price exceeds the selling pr...
A shopkeeper marked an article ‘A’ 25% above the cost price and sold it for Rs. 7056 after giving a certain discount while he sold an articl...
A Publisher published 2500 books for Rs. 175000. He gave 400 books free as samples to some books shops, besides he was able to sell 2/3 rd of the remain...
The ratio of cost price to the marked price of an article is 5:8. The article had been marked above its cost price by Rs. 360. If the article was sold a...
The ratio of the cost price and marked price of an article is 8:13, respectively. The article is sold after giving a discount of Rs. 600 such that there...
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 11%. If he had given a discount of 6% in place of 11%, then he would have earned Rs. 112 more. If the cost...
A person incurs a loss of 5% be selling a watch for Rs. 1140. At what price should the watch be sold to earn 5% profit.
...By selling 72 articles, a man suffers a loss of the selling price of 9 articles. Find the loss percentage.