A-HELP’ (Accredited Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production) programme has been launched in the State of Uttarakhand. Women have been chosen to strengthen livestock related activities in remote rural areas, keeping in mind their important role for the same under A-HELP scheme, envisioned by Govt. of India. Under this program trained A-HELPs will give their vital contribution in preventing various infectious diseases of animals, artificial insemination under Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM), tagging of animals and animal insurance & will be an incomparable example of incorporation and involvement of women power & for socio-economic upliftment.
Which of the following is an irrelevant confession?
As per section 7 of the Banking Regulation Act the provisions of this section shall not apply to__________________
What relief Code of Civil Procedure provides?
A, on his trial before the Court of Session, says that a deposition was improperly taken by B, who is the Magistrate, in such a case:
Consumer Protection Act, 2019 an appeal from the order of the Central Authority shall lie to?
Legal disability of limitation Act applies in case of:
What does ‘I’ stands for in NaBFID?
Provisions of longer period in the matter of accumulation of property under sec 17 of T.P. Act amounts to:
The President shall cause to be laid the recommendations of the Finance Commission along with the explanatory memorandum before________________
An admission by an agent is admissible in________.