The BBC announced the winner for the year 2022. Ace weightlifter Mirabai Chanu has won BBC Indian Sportswoman of the Year (ISWOTY) award for the second year running. The 28-year old Manipuri, Mirabai Chanu thus earned the distinction of being the first person to take the honour twice. Badminton ace PV Sindhu, Olympic bronze medal-winning wrestler Sakshi Malik, two-time wrestling world championships medallist Vinesh Phogat and boxing world champion Nikhat Zareen were the other shortlisted contenders for this year’s award. Learn Along: About The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Indian Sportswoman of the Year Award The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) Indian Sportswoman of the Year Award is an initiative first announced in December 2019 by BBC Hindi to celebrate and honour sportswomen from India who have excelled in their chosen field of competition. The first edition of the awards took place in March 2020 where badminton star P. V. Sindhu was presented with the inaugural honour. The latest edition of the awards took place in March 2023 with Mirabai Chanu awarded the accolade for the second year in a row.
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