India hosted the IBA Women's World Boxing Championships in New Delhi from March 15 at Indira Gandhi Sports Complex. The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) hosted the prestigious tournament from the 15th to the 26th of March. The Championship is taking place in India for the third time after 2006 and 2018, the most for any country in the history of the championship. This year, the 13th edition of the tournament will witness the participation of more than 350 boxers from around 74 countries. The Indian team of 12 boxers for the event includes 2020 Tokyo Bronze medallist, Lovlina Borgohain (75kg) and the current world champion in the 50kg category, Nikhat Zareen. A Prize pool of Rs 20 crore has been announced by the BFI. Gold medallists will receive prizes from pools of Rs 10 crore, while silver and bronze medallists will receive prizes from pools of Rs 5 crore. About The Boxing Federation of India The Boxing Federation of India is the Indian national governing body for amateur boxing for Olympic and is the India's member organization of the International Amateur Boxing Association. It is headquartered in New Delhi. President: Ajay Singh
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