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India is the world’s 7th largest services exporter. Share of the services sector accounted for 54% of the total Gross Value Added (GVA) in FY21. The services sector has also been the largest recipient of foreign direct investment, making up for 53% of the total inflows between 2000 and 2021 and India ranked 10th in the Medical Tourism Index 2021.
To raise incomes for farmers with enhanced production & productivity, Urea Gold was introduced. Urea Gold address which of the following challenges give...
In early withdrawal of monsoon what should be best moisture mitigation practice?
Pusa Jai Kisan (Bio-902) is a variety of
Which is not a preservation method in fruit and vegetables?
Powdery mildew disease is controlled by spray of
The 11th Agricultural Census (2021-22) was launched in the country on 28th July 2022. The Agricultural census is conducted in every ____ years.
Necrotic streak in flag leaf of wheat is due to the deficiency of:
What is the empirical relation between mean median and mode in positively skewed frequency distribution?
What is xeriscaping?
Which is a C₃ plant?