Confederate of Indian Industry (CII) has co-organized the Digital Health Summit 2023 with Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare at Goa. The theme of the event was ‘Building One Health together – Improving Health equity’, with the objective of bringing together policy makers, industry leaders, and global healthcare experts and thought leaders to deliberate upon key issues confronting the digital health space. This event aligns with the India’s G20 Health Working Group agenda on Digital Health Innovations and solutions to aid Universal Health Coverage and improve healthcare service delivery towards One Earth, One Family, One Future.
21, 23, 27, 35, 51, 87
186, 179, 170, 162, 146, 131, 114
26, 38, 60, 110, 206, 398
2, 6, 44, 462, 6930, 131670
12, 29, 64, 151, 322, 669
169, 224, 293, 385, 497, 629
21 32 54 86 131 186
...256 768 96 288 35 108
120, 140, 178, 232, 300, 360
Find the wrong number in given number series.
3910, 3879, 3786, 3631, 3414, 3235.