Transfer Payment is the payment exchanged for return of no goods or services. It generally describes the welfare expenditure of the government such as subsidies, pensions, grants etc.
Who developed the Human Development Index (HDI) and which organization publishes it?
Sindhudurg Fort is the fort in which state of India?
Which type of soil exhibits permanent hardness due to its content of calcium chloride?
For the health sector in India, the country has spent what % of the GDP in 2021?
Which Earth layer is critical for generating the magnetic field?
In which year did Vasco da Gama arrive in Calicut, India?
State Bank of India has inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the ________ Cooperative Milk Producers Union to provide loan to individual dairy...
Who is the chairperson of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in India?
राजस् थान में कहाँ पर श्श्जैविक अभयारण् यश्श् स्थित ह...
International schools are managed by?