Neeli Bendapudi, the Indian American president of Penn State University, will receive this year’s prestigious Immigrant Achievement Award for her contributions to higher education in the US. The award is presented each year to an individual or organisation that exhibits a commitment and dedication to America’s heritage as a nation of immigrants and advocacy for humane immigration policy.
How is L related to F?
Sonam introduced a woman in a function, “She is the wife of the only son of my father’s brother’. How is the woman related to Sonam?
How many male members are there in the family?
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
L is the brother of Z. Z is mother of Q. B is sister of Q, who is the son of F...
How is M related to O?
Which of the following is definitely false?
Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression
‘P % Q + R @ S % T’
Prashant Arora has three children - Sangeeta, Vimal and Ashish. Ashish married Monika, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy. The Roys married their y...
How is J related to I?
Dharun has a brother Anand. Dharun is the son of Kumar. Krishnan is Kumar's father. How is Anand related to Krishnan?