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Bank of India (BoI) has launched the “Shubh Arambh Deposit" retail term deposit scheme for senior citizens. With this special FD scheme, seniors, including super senior citizens aged 80 and above can take benefit of an additional interest rate of 0.50% for senior citizens and 0.65% for super senior citizens.
Select the most Appropriate option to fill in blank
---------Cart loaded with mangoes turned upside down on ---------main road .
Despite the efforts to make the designs more unique, the new products are still considered ___________ (distinct) from the old ones.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank
It was ______ who encouraged me while I was sunk in despair.
It was he _______ the people voted as their leader.
He will dispense ______ your services.
The report said northwest and central India were expected to ________________ below-normal rainfall in April.
1) appears
2) makes
3) deals
4) does
5) none of these
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Despite her efforts to mend their friendship, it seemed like Sarah was ______________...
The yield has gone up …… this year while prices have fallen by half,……….. heavy losses to the chilli growers.