Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited has announced it has successfully re-domiciled Alchemy India Long Term Fund from Mauritius to GIFT City in Gandhinagar, which houses India’s first International Financial Services Centre (IFSC). The bank has issued the first-ever foreign portfolio investor (FPI) license to Alchemy’s Fund incorporated in GIFT and registered with IFSCA for relocating from its original jurisdiction to the new one. This is the first such FPI license issued by a custodian bank or designated depository participant (DDP) in India, to a fund incorporated in GIFT City, to relocate an existing fund.
Typhoid is caused by ______.
Food cans are coated with tin and NOT zinc because ________.
The Aedes Aegypti mosquito can NOT act as a vector for -
For what was Albert Einstein awarded Nobel Prize?
The sky appears blue, because
Minamata disease, a neurological disorder, is caused by eating fish contaminated with which element?
Tanya throws a ball vertically upwards, which rise to a height of 60 m. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? [Take g = 10 ms–2
Eclipses occur due to which optical phenomena?
Which one of the following is a natural substitute for common sugar?
The book ‘Fungi and Plant Diseases’ was written by: