The World Bank has approved an $82 million loan towards the adoption of global best practices for animal health management to prevent, detect, and respond to endemic zoonotic, transboundary, and emerging infectious diseases. It will strengthen India’s One Health approach, which recognizes that people and animals are connected with their shared environment. The Animal Health System Support for One Health Program will support India’s Livestock Health and Disease Control Program, which seeks to control animal diseases and zoonoses. Through state-of-the-art laboratories, the program will also strengthen collaboration and data sharing with the human health sector. It will also enhance food quality and safety in animal products, especially in livestock and wet markets.
I. 2x² - 12x + 16 = 0
II. 4y² - 8y - 12 = 0
I. 12 x ² - 3 x – 15 = 0
II. 2 y² + ...
A and B are the roots of equation x2 - 13x + k = 0. If A - B = 5, what is the value of k?
I. 3p² - 14p + 15 = 0
II. 15q² - 34q + 15 = 0
I. x2 + 11x + 30 = 0
II. y2 + 17y + 72 = 0
I. 2 x ² + x – 1 = 0
II. 2 y ² - 3 y + 1 = 0
...I: 3x² - 18x + 24 = 0
II: 5y² + 10y - 15 = 0
The equation q2 - 17x + C = 0, has two roots ‘x’ and ‘y’ such that (x – y) = 7. Find an equation which is equal to thrice of the gi...
What will be the product of smaller roots of both equations.
I. x² + 11x + 24 = 0
II. y² + 17y + 72 = 0