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The 41 st ICAO Assembly adopted LTAG for international aviation of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 in support of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement's temperature goal. The LTAG does not attribute specific obligations or commitments in the form of emissions reduction goals to individual States. Instead, it recognizes each State's special circumstances and respective capabilities e.g., the level of development, maturity of aviation markets.
The inflorescence of sunflower is called
What is the unit of Photosynthetically active radiation?
Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the cell wall of plant cell?
Which of the following is/are a root stimulant?
Aflatoxin is a disease afflicted in the seeds of:
Read the statements with respect to water management in maize
A. Most critical stage for irrigation is flowering period including tasseling, silk...
Which crop does Striga primarily parasitize as a root parasite?
Which one the following crop is called biological plough of soil?
Mulch used for which purpose by the farmers?
Indole 3-pyruvate is the primary intermediate of______ biosynthesis.