In April 2023, Indians spent Rs 1.3 lakh crore through their credit cards across point of sales terminals and ecommerce transactions, RBI data shows. As per industry estimates, around Rs 1,300 to Rs 1,500 crore could be processed by RuPay currently. The target would be to take it up to Rs 15,000 crore per month.
With whom did Alberuni come to India?
Who established the Kanva Dynasty?
Which ancient Indian text is referred to as the 'Fifth Veda'?
Which of the following dynasties was not a part of the long-drawn tripartite struggle for the control over Kananuj during the 8th century A.D.?
Mohammed-bin-Qasim conquered Sind in the year
Who was the spiritual mentor of Amir Khusro?
Which statements about millets are true?
(I) Kutki and Sanwa are the varieties of Millets.
(II) The earliest evidence of Millets consumpti...
Who is regarded as the great law-giver of ancient India?
Which place of Indus civilization is located in India?
Identify the dam that is located in South India.