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· Campbell Commission: It was appointed as a famine commission under the chairmanship of Sir George Campbell after the 1865-66 famine of India, affecting the regions of Orissa, Bihar, Bengal and madras. It blamed the government machinery for the tragedy and suggested relief measures. · Strachey Commission was appointed by Lord Lytton in 1880, to formulate general principles and suggest measures for fighting famine. · Macdonnell Commission was appointed by Lord Curzon in 1901 as a famine commission, under the chairmanship of Sir Anthony Macdonnel. The commission recommended the appointment of a famine commissioner. · The Fowler Commission was appointed by Elgin II in 1898 to examine the currency related situation of India at that time. · Sadler Commission was appointed in 1917 for reforms to be made in the University Calcutta.
(168 ÷ 12 + 19 × 64)/(22+1)
142 + 233 + ?2 – 301 = 450 + 65
144% of 200 + 11% of 900 + 10% of 20 =?
?2 + 114 - 48 ÷ 2 × 5 = 163
(8.4 × 6.5 ×2.52 )/(5.04 ×3.25 ×2.1) = ?
(150% of 950) ÷ ? = 25
24% of 15% of 500 + 122 = ?2 – (232 ÷ 2)
√4096 + √3249 = (?)2
35% of 240 – 6 2 = ? 2 – √256