According to the Knight Frank India report 'Prime Global Cities Index Q1 2023', Mumbai ranks 6th among 46 cities globally in terms of annual price growth of high-end residential properties with appreciation of 5.5 per cent. The report showed that Mumbai, Bengaluru and New Delhi have registered an increase in average annual prices in January-March 2023. Bengaluru and New Delhi also witnessed an upward movement in index ranking to 16th and 22nd ranks from their previous 37th and 39th ranks. Dubai clinched the top position globally with an increase of 44.2 per cent in prime residential properties values.
Who among the following Chief Justices of India ordered the constitution of a Special Bench called the 'Social Justice Bench'?
Global gender gap report is released by which organization ?
Personal disposable income is :
According to RBI,which country was the largest source of FDI in India for the year 2016-17?
Which of the following provisions are correct in regards to the State Reorganisation Act, 1956?
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Who among the following were the founder members of the Red Trade Union Congress?
Which among the following country is known as the “Home of Collective Bargaining”?
What does it mean when the economy experiences hyperinflation?
Under the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, When must the employer arrange for the payment of gratuity?
According to the Trade Union 1926, What is the minimum number of members in a trade union (1000 workers employed in the establishment) in India?