Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new Parliament building on 28th May 2023. The Prime Minister prostrated before the "Sengol" and sought blessings from high priests of various adheenams in Tamil Nadu with the holy sceptre in hand. The new parliament building is part of the government's ambitious project to develop the Central Vista complex in capital Delhi which replaces colonial-era buildings. Built in front of the old parliament, the new four-storey building - built at an estimated cost of 9.7bn rupees ($117.1m, £94.2m) - has increased seating capacity. The Lok Sabha chamber, which will seat the lower house of the parliament, is designed in the likeness of a peacock, India's national bird. The Rajya Sabha chamber, which will seat the upper house, is designed to resemble the lotus, India's national flower, Lotus. The current parliament building is expected to be converted into a museum.
A convex mirror used as a rear-view mirror of a car has a focal length of 2 m. If a bus is located at a distance of 3 m from the mirror, where will its ...
An object placed at a distance of 25 cm from a converging lens forms a real and inverted image at 30 cm from the lens. The magnification produced by th...
Where is Akbar’s Mausoleum situated ?
Dholavira is situated at the bank of River:
Which of the following is/are a benefit of union membership?
I. Higher wages
II. Better wo...
When white light passes through a glass prism we get a spectrum on the other side of the prism. In the emergent beam the ray which is deviated least is -
The Preamble secures to all the citizens of India, equality of status and opportunity. Which of the following provisions of the Constitution is based o...
Which of the following is an example of a non-cash transaction that affects the cost of an asset?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा/से ऑस्ट्रेलिया के संविधान से नही...
Which of the following are correct regarding Realization Accounts?
I.A realization account is an account that is used to record the proceeds of t...