Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will inaugurate the International Museum Expo 2023 on 18th in New Delhi. The International Museum Expo is being organised as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, to celebrate the 47th International Museum Day (IMD). The IMD theme for this year is ‘Museums, Sustainability and Well Being’. The Museum Expo is designed to initiate a holistic conversation on Museums with museum professionals to enable them to evolve as cultural centres that play a pivotal role in India’s cultural diplomacy.
In the following questions, a sentence is given with two blanks. Identify the correct pair of words that fit in the sentence to make it grammatically a...
The ratio of indigenous-to-foreign labor in the Gulf states is highly______, ranging from a high of 67% in Saudi Arabia to a low of 11% in the UAE
...In the following question ,sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word.four alternative is suggested for each question.
The cat jumped __________ the table and knocked over the vase.
Bengaluru Rural police have _____________ a recent robbery on the outskirts of the city
Given below sentence with one blank. Below sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank. If none of the words fill the blank...
One of the _ _ of cancer ___ low immunity.
You have given ____________ opinion, now you have to wait for ____________.
This is a partial picture though and tends to ________ the proportion of rural migrants who settled in urban areas.
The world needs a/an ______ that addresses climate change smartly without scaring us needlessly and that pays heed to the many other challenges ________...