Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri launched a PM SVANidhi mobile app for street vendors, to ease the loan application process and provide various information to them regarding the scheme. The scheme aims to restore self-employment, Self-Sustenance, and Self-Confidence among street vendors. The scheme has also empowered COVID-19-affected street vendors to resume their livelihood.
A Bilateral Exercise “Udarshakti” hosted by Which Country recently?
Which ministry issued new regulations in August 2024 concerning investments in Public Provident Fund (PPF) and other Small Savings Schemes?
Dragonfire” which was seen in the news recently. What is this?
Dalkhai is a popular folk dance of which of the following states?
With reference to the Money Bill, consider the following statements:
1. It can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha and not in the Rajya Sabha.
Who has recently released a report titled 'Profit and Poverty: Economics of Forced Labour'?
On which planet was the recently discovered giant volcano “Noctis Volcano” found?
In August 2024, who assumed additional responsibilities as the Director General (DG) of the Border Security Force (BSF) after the departure of the previ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has achieved the distinction of being the first world leader to accumulate how many YouTube subscribers?
Who has been appointed as the National Ambassador for UNICEF India?