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A Kerala-based startup, Farmers Fresh Zone (FarmersFZ), has been selected for the 'Accelerator Programme by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the UN. FarmersFZ has figured in the list of 12 agri-food startups around the world for the UN body to develop business. The Kochi-based multichannel marketplace platform, which functions under the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), is one among India's two startups to qualify for the 'Accelerator Programme'. Its ultimate aim is to attain the UN Sustainable Development Goals. KSUM is the nodal agency of the Kerala government for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in the state. About 'Accelerator Programme’ by FAO The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the SEED partnership on 17th February 2023 launched the SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme, an instrument designed to help agrifood system start-ups develop their businesses while contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). About FAO The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security. Its Latin motto, fiat panis, translates to "let there be bread". Founded: 16 October 1945. Headquarters: Rome, Italy DG: QU Dongyu
In a theatre, there are 20 seats in the front row and 30 rows were allotted. Each successive row contains two additional seats then its front row. How ...
Answer the question given below on the basis of the given number and symbol series.
(left) 2 5 # # $ 1 @ * 7 & % 4 & 5% 3 & 5 12 (right)
Five friends, K, J, I, H and G appear in an entrance examination and each of them gets different marks. J gets more marks than H but less than G. I gets...
From the given options, select the alphanumeric group which will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series.
E4, H2, J10, M...
Select the option that shows the correct arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in the English dictionary.
1. Casino<...
A student can type 21 pages in 15 minutes. At the same rate, how long will it take the student to type 84 pages?
Based on the following information, which of the following means that S is the maternal grandfather of T?
Clothes : Wardrobe :: Car : ?
If the positions of the first and third digits of each number are interchanged, which of the following numbers will be the largest number?
(a) ...
I asked her / that why she was / beating about the bush.