In a bid to make Uttar Pradesh a leading State in the field of milk development and milk production, the State Government has launched the Nand Baba Milk Mission scheme at a cost of ₹1,000 crore. The Nand Baba Milk Mission scheme, which was launched on June 6, has been implemented to provide milk producers the facility of selling their milk at a reasonable price in villages through dairy co-operative societies. Under this mission, it is proposed to form Dairy Farmer Producer Organisation [Dairy FPO] in order to facilitate sale of milk in producers’ villages itself. In the financial year 2023-24, there is a plan to set up five Dairy FPOs in as many districts of the State as a pilot project, in which women will also play a major role. About Uttar Pradesh Capital: Lucknow Chief minister: Yogi Adityanath Governor: Anandiben Patel
If “+” means “minus”, “×” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus”, and “-“ means then “multiplied by”
180 × 9 –...
Select the correct sequence of mathematical signs to replace the ‘@’ signs so as to balance the given equation.
252 @ 28 @ 11 @ 5 @ 22 = 42
Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
8 – 32 + 20 × 15 ÷ 3 = 271
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and make the equation correct.
45 $ 5 $ 68 $ 17$ 12 = 37
If ‘#’ means ‘×’, ‘%’ means ‘+’, ‘^’ means ‘÷’ and ‘*’ means ‘-’, then the value of 36 % 8 * 5 # 4 ^ 2 is ___.
...Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
65 * 45 * 25 * 5 * 35 * 60
If '+' means 'subtraction', ' X ' means 'addition', '-' means 'division' and '÷' means 'multiplication', then what is the value of the following expres...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
44 * 392 * 7 * 11 ...
If 'A' stands for '-', 'B' stands for '×', 'C' stands for '+', and 'D' stands for '÷', then what is the value of the following expression.
45 D...
Which of the following mathematical operator are placed in place of alphabet given in the equation to make it true?
54 a 7 c 9 f 45 h 12 ...