The Indian Navy, in continuation with celebrating its ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ has partnered with TVS Motor Company, to embark on a motorcycle expedition in Ladakh, the land of high passes. Through the journey, over 34 officers would ride the TVS Apache RTR 200 4V and TVS Apache RR 310 motorcycles, passing through Chandigarh, Jammu, Srinagar, Kargil & Nubra, before reaching Leh.
464 + 181 +? = (154 × 25) - (15) 2
[(40)2 ÷ 32 × 4] ÷ 50 = ?
182 – 517 ÷ 11 - √361 = ?
45% of 360 - 160 + ? = √324
(292 – 141) ÷ 5 + (40 ÷ 2) + 23 = ?
15% of 5000 - √900 = ? + 10% of 1800
242 + 18 × 8 – ? = 356
212 + 14 × 23 – 28 × 15 = ?
325934.78 + 78545.30 + 92.25 =?
√ 729 × 5 – 220 % of 15 + ? = 120% of 160