Palki festival showcases the distinctive features of Maharashtrian culture. This is a 1000-year-old tradition, which has been followed by the warkaris (people who follow the wari, a fundamental ritual). People perform collective singing, dancing, chanting (Dnyanba-Tukaram in what are called as Dindis or organised group of warkaris) to the holy town of Pandharpur in Hindu months of Ashadh (June-July) and Karthik (November-December). Palkhi Festival, which lasts for 22 days, starts in the month of Jyeshth (June). Every year on the eleventh day of the first half of the month of Ashadh, the Palkhi reaches Pandharpur.
Which of the following statements true about lipid
a) Saturated fatty acids have single bond between C-C.
b) Unsaturated fatty...
HPP only employed in …operations.
a) Batch
b) Semi-batch
c) Continuous
d) A & C both
...Which of the following is a Time-Temperature Indicator (TTI)?
a) Life lines fresh check (shelf-life estimation)
b) Radiof...
Which of the following film is used to inactivate microorganisms on food surface that release microbial inhibitors.
a) Propylene
Which of the following device is used for storage of charge in pulsed electric field
Match the preservative (group-1) with their examples (Group-2)
…… is considered as good cholesterol& …. is considered as bad cholesterol.( HDL & LDL )
Commercial dielectric heater uses frequency in range of …...MHz.( 35-40 )
Which of the following Antimicrobial preservatives used in food packaging film.
a) Organic Acids
b) Spice & herb extract ...
CO2emitters are used in active packaging of
a) Vegetables and fruits
b) Fish
c) Meat
d) Poultry