India is participating at the The Annecy International Animation Festival (AIAF) for the first time this year. India has lately emerged as a preferred destination of VFX and animation content for global production houses. The animation and VFX market in India was pegged to be valued at Rs 109 billion in 2021, with the VFX business alone amounting to Rs 50 billion. This figure is expected to grow to Rs 180 billion by 2024 according to a E&Y report. Learn France Capital: Paris President: Emmanuel Macron Currency: Euro
Which of the following is an apex organization of marketing cooperatives for agricultural produce in India?
Beushening a traditional method is practiced in which crop?
Which crop is commonly known as the “King Of Cereals”?
The pest which attack both in field and storage of pulses is:
Which of the following is generally used for reclamation of soil acidity?
Agriculture is a ____ word.
Number of segments present in insect head is
The third advance estimate for total Horticulture production in 2023-24 is closest to:
Thalamus of hypogynous ovary is
A type of farming in which no single product source of income equals as much as 50% of the total receipts is ____