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The Reserve Bank of India has imposed penalties on Standard Chartered Bank-India, TransUnion CIBIL, Equifax Credit Information Services, and other entities for contravention of various norms.A monetary penalty of Rs 30 lakh has been imposed on Standard Chartered Bank-India for non-compliance with certain provisions of the 'Reserve Bank of India (Know Your Customer (KYC)) Directions, 2016'.Also, a penalty of Rs 26 lakh has been imposed on TransUnion CIBIL Limited, Mumbai for non-compliance with certain provisions of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 [CIC (R) Act], according to releases.A penalty of Rs 24.25 lakh on Equifax Credit Information Services, Mumbai for non-compliance with certain provisions of the CIC Rules.
India and which of the following country signed a MoU on cultural cooperation signed for five years?
As per the meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee in Dec 2022, CPI Inflation is projected at ____ % in 2022-23.
Who has been named as the official sponsor of the Indian contingent for the 19th Asian Games?
When is the Chapchar Kut festival celebrated in Mizoram?
What is the objective of the collaboration between C-DOT and Qualcomm Technologies?