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The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has officially designated the Blue Pansy (Junonia Orithya) as the ‘State Butterfly’ of the Union Territory. With its vibrant blue and black wings adorned with striking orange spots, the Blue Pansy creates a mesmerizing sight as it gracefully flutters through the meadows and gardens of Jammu and Kashmir. The declaration of the Blue Pansy as the ‘State Butterfly’ aims to raise awareness and promote conservation efforts for the rich biodiversity found in Jammu and Kashmir. It symbolizes the region’s commitment to preserving and safeguarding the natural environment for future generations. As the newly appointed ‘State Butterfly,’ the Blue Pansy will assume the role of an ambassador for environmental education, encouraging both citizens and visitors to appreciate the significance of conserving Jammu and Kashmir’s ecological heritage. About J&K Union territory: 31 October 2019 Lieutenant Governor: Manoj Sinha
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