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PwC India has entered into a strategic partnership with Zoho to accelerate the digital transformation of firms across the technology ecosystem. PwC India and Zoho will provide businesses with transformation solutions such as customer experience platform, custom applications, HR tech, and financial management applications including accounting solutions.
How is M related to J?
There is six members Y, P, H, W, R and G, in a family of three generation. No single person is a parent in the family. Y is husband of W. P is the only ...
In equation ‘P – Q % R & S + T’, how is P related to T?
How is Y’s brother related to mother-in-law of V?
How many male members are there in the family?
If K $ J @ L + N * O & M is true then how is M related to L?
How is R related to Q?
How is G related to E?
How is V related to R?
How is F related to D?