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The government has revised the crop residue management guidelines, thus enabling efficient ex-situ management of paddy straw generated in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. As per the revised guidelines, techno-commercial pilot projects for paddy straw supply chain will be established under the bilateral agreement between the beneficiary/aggregator and industries utilising the paddy straw. The beneficiary or aggregator can be farmers, rural entrepreneurs, cooperative societies of farmers, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs), and panchayat. The Centre and state governments will jointly provide financial support of 65 per cent of the project cost, while the industry as primary promoter of the project will contribute 25 per cent. The industry will act as the ‘primary consumer’ of the feedstock collected and farmer or aggregator will be the direct beneficiary of the project and will contribute the balance 10 per cent.
All 26 students in a class are standing in a row facing north. Manisha is 14th from the right end and Neetu is 9th from left end h...
If the sum of the weights of U and S is 100kg then, what can be the weight of item P?
Who among the following goes on Wednesday?
Five people K, L, M, N, and Z read newspaper the person who read it first give it to M. The person who read it last took it from K. Z was neither first ...
Six machines M, N, O, P, Q and R have different prices. M is cheaper than N. O is not costlier than P. P is not costlier than M. R is costlier than Q. ...
Seven persons (D, E, F, G, H, I, and J) have different number of chocolates. Only G has more chocolates than H. I has more chocolates than J and D. D ha...
A is heavier than G. M is lighter than J. P is heavier than J but lighter than G. Who among them is heaviest?
Five friends M, N, O, P and Q have different heights but not necessarily in the same order. M is taller than N. Q is taller than P, who is taller than N...
Among Bhanu, Mitu, Toto, Kalu and Salu, each one of them earn different salaries, Mitu earns more than only toto. Bhanu earns more than Mitu and Salu bu...
Which person is the heaviest?