A record-high Rs. 75,408 crore worth of power transmission projects has been approved by the Centre to be offered under the bidding route, making it the largest tranche under tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB).Last month, the National Committee on Transmission (NCT) convened with a draft agenda of projects worth Rs. 64,000 crore.However, the approved list of projects has seen an upward revision to Rs. 76,201, of which three projects of Rs. 793 crores are to be built by state-owned Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) under the regulated tariff mechanism.
If 43 # 24 = 20 and 35 # 15 = 20, then 48 # 33 = ?
The second number in the given number-pairs is obtained by performing certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number. The same operation(s) is/ar...
Select the option that represents the letters which, when sequentially placed from left to right in the blanks below, will complete the letter series.
Given set: [99, 200, 301]
Information given below represents the number codes for the given letters. Select the combination of numbers so that the letters arranged accordingly w...
A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternatives from the given ones that will complete the series.
KMN, OQR, SUV, WYZ, ____.
Identify the number, which when added to itself 19 times gives 920.
If 31 @ 9 = 24 and 53 @ 33 = 96, then 19 @ 47 = '?'.
Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
...Select the number-pair in which the two numbers share a different relationship from that shared by the two numbers in the rest of the number-pairs.