The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued a detailed circular, which will put the onus on mutual fund (MF) trustees to protect unitholders’ interests. These include monitoring fees and expenses, prevention of mis-selling and front running and conflict of interest between various stakeholders. The market regulator has stated that asset management companies (AMCs) shall constitute a unit holder protection committee (UHPC) to oversee the protection of unit holders’ interests, adoption of sound and healthy market practices, and compliance with laws/regulations or other related processes. Further, the UHPC must keep unit holders well informed about and educate them on MF products, the investor charter, and complaint-handling procedures. It shall submit its observations, along with recommendations periodically to the board of the AMC.
Which one of the following is not a tributary of the river Godavari?
What is the trial balance used for?
Which one of the following substances, when added to water, will not change the pH ?
How has Anti-defection law impacted the dynamics of the Indian Political system?
1. Has provided for greater stability in the respective legis...
A man is travelling at a speed of 40 km/h such that he will take 60 minutes to reach his destination. But after completing half the journey, the man too...
When was the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) formed?
Consider the following statements about the Preamble:
1. The Preamble has been amended only once so far under the Prime Ministership of Mrs. Indi...
Consider the following statement:
1. The emolument of the Governor is decided by Parliament.
2. The Constitution does not mention any...
The full form of SIM is?
What is the designated theme for the World Health Day in 2023?