Vice Admiral Atul Anand took over as Additional Secretary, Department of Military Affairs on July 03, 2023. He has replaced Lieutenant General Anil Puri on this post who retired on February 28, 2023. Vice Admiral Atul Anand was commissioned into the Executive Branch of the Indian Navy on 01 Jan 1988. The Department of Military Affairs is a department in charge of military affairs within the Indian Ministry of Defence.
How many meaningful English words can be formed using second, third, sixth and seventh letters of the word ‘CRACKER’ (when counted from left to righ...
Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
Nine Persons – C, D, B, A, J, F, G, H and K – are sitting in a straight line facing north, but not necessarily in the same order. G sits second to t...
‘A = B’ means ‘A is the father of B‘.
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’.
‘A * B’ means ‘A is the mother of B‘.<...
Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word. (The words must be considered as me...
The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the manner in which the folded paper has been cut is shown below. Choose a figure which would most closely ...
Some pilots are engineers.
No engineer is a teacher.
All students are teachers.
I. Some teac...
In Organization-A, the production of Product-X is not sufficient to meet the customer requirements, as the demand for this product...
44 : 4 :: 287 : 7 :: ? : 10
Eight boys B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B8 are sitting in a row facing towards the north (not necessarily in the same order). B6 is fifth to the right...