Lord Hanuman has been announced as the official mascot of the Asian Athletics Championships. It is being organized on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Asian Athletics Federation. The logo of the 25th Asian Athletics Championships 2023 depicts the dedication and sportsmanship displayed by the athletes participating in the Games. India is participating in the championship under the leadership of shot putter Tajinderpal Singh Toor and long jumper Murali Sreesankar.
Statement: Should India encourage one child policy, when our population is increasing day by day?
1) Yes, we have to contr...
. Statement: Is reservation for women in Lower house of Parliament of India, theLok Sabha, and in all statelegislative assembliesjustified?
Statement: Should children be prevented completely from using the social media.
1) No, they get connected with other peo...
Statement: Should graduation be made minimum educational qualification for entry level jobs in any public sector organisation?
...Two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are given. Read both the statements carefully and select the correct answer with the help of th...
Statement: Should the government revoke the GST and bring in the previous tax regime?
Argument I: Yes, the state governments are unable to recove...
Statement: Should India follow a one child policy like China in order to control the population explosion?
Argument I: Yes, this is the only way ...
Statement: Should national anthem be played before movies in the theater.
I. Yes, this is the only way to show your lov...
Statement: Should there be a complete ban on extracurricular activities in college.
I. No, the...
Statement: Should school-going children have internet access at home?
I. Yes, because through the internet students can h...