The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution has launched the sale of subsidized Chana Dal under the brand name ‘Bharat Dal’ at the rate of Rs 60 per kg for one kg pack and Rs 55 per kg for 30 kg pack. The introduction of ‘Bharat Dal’ is making pulses available to consumers at affordable prices by converting chana stock of the government into chana dal. The milling and packaging of the Chana Dal is undertaken by National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED) for distribution through its retail outlets in Delhi-NCR and also through the outlets of NCCF, Kendriya Bhandar and Safal. The chana dal, under this arrangement, is also made available to state governments for supplies under their welfare schemes, police, jails, and also for distribution through their Consumer Cooperative outlets.
An irrigation project is called as medium irrigation project when CCA is
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Jaya, a high yielding variety developed in India which outyield both its parent was a cross between
Which of the following statements is/are true about soil pH and nutrient availability?
Statement A: Most essential plant nutrients are readily av...
To harness the potential of ICT in Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare launched the scheme __________on January 21, 2004. The main a...
An individual with two identical alleles for a given trait is said to be:
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The full form of MRA is:
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