Amit Shah launched the CRCS-Sahara refund portal aimed to help over 100 million depositors of the Sahara Group cooperative societies in recovering their money within a span of nine months. The process of returning the money of depositors, which was stuck in four cooperative societies of the Sahara Group, has started with the launch of the Sahara refund portal. The portal has been developed for the submission of legitimate claims by genuine depositors of the Sahara Group's cooperative societies, namely Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Ltd, Saharayan Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Humara India Credit Cooperative Society Ltd, and Stars Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd. In the initial phase, a total of Rs 5,000 crore will be disbursed through the portal to depositors. However, each depositor will receive only Rs 10,000 in the first phase. If the first phase proves successful, the refund amount will be increased.
Interchange the words in the two sentences so that both the sentences become grammatically and contextually correct.
I. Fossil fuel companies hav...
The Supreme Court on Thursday said (A)/ farmers has a constitutional right to (B)/ continue with their “absolutely perfect” protest (C)/ as ...
Directions: In the following sentence, four words given in bold are marked as A, B, C, and D, which are possible pairs to be interchanged. Ch...
It is ironic that compared (A) being a net exporter and food surplus country at the aggregate (B) level, India has a 50% higher prevalence (C) of...
Antonym (Most opposite meaning) of the word CELESTIAL is
Select the correctly punctuated sentence from the options below.
A) Languish B) Mundane C) Naive D) Routine
...I had to go to the doctor because I was not bear the pain in my tooth.
L1 refers to Lagrange Point 1, one of 5 points of the orbital plane of the Earth -Sun system.
Media literacy (A) in schools and digital fasting among (B) families are also combat (C) steps to important (D) the disorder.