The National Stock Exchange (NSE) and BSE have announced revisions in Enhanced Surveillance Measures (ESM) framework, which was introduced last month to curb volatility and possible manipulation in small and micro-cap companies with a market cap of less than Rs. 500 crore. Stocks of companies placed under stage II ESM were permitted to be traded only once a week with period call action. In a major relief, trading has now been permitted on all trading days within the 2 per cent price band and with 100 per cent margin requirement. However, no change has been announced for companies in Stage I.
What is the least number of square tiles required to pave the floor of a room 11 m 47 cm long and 6 m 82 cm broad?
The following table shows the marks obtained by five students in three subjects:
A solid sphere is perfectly inscribed inside a cube, and a right circular cylinder is placed inside the cube such that it touches all the faces of the c...
The diameter of the base of a cylindrical drum is 14 cm and its height is 15 cm. The drum is full of water and the water from the drum is transferred to...
An amount of Rs. 13,000 is invested at a certain annual compound interest rate, with interest compounded yearly. After 2 years, the total amount grows t...
Suppose a shopkeeper offers a 10% discount on the marked price of an item and still earns a 10% profit. If the discount had not been applied, what would...
Akshay invested Rs. 1650 in two schemes P and Q in the respective ratio of 7:4. Scheme P and Q are offering simple interest at the rate of 8% per annum ...
Palash invest thrice the sum invested by Vicky and withdraws half of the sum after 3 months and again withdraws half of the remaining sum after 3 months...
A and B can do a work together in 10 days. B and C can do the same work in 15 days, how many days will B take to complete the work if A, B and C togethe...
Quantity I: A shopkeeper bought an article for Rs. 3000 and marked its price up by 50%. He then gave two successive discounts of 10% and ‘x’%, makin...