The recently released “Crime in India” report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has brought to light the disconcerting issue of missing women in India, with Maharashtra claiming the top spot for the year 2021. An alarming number of 56,498 women were reported missing in the state during the year, raising serious concerns about the safety and security of women. The NCRB report reveals that in 2021, a total of 375,058 women above the age of 18 years and 90,113 girls below the age of 18 years were reported missing across the country The states of Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha also recorded distressing figures, with 55,704, 50,998, and 29,582 missing women, respectively.
W is taller than K who is shorter than U. O is taller than D but shorter than K. U is shorter than W. Who is the tallest?
If L has 80 laptops than how many laptops does N has?
If the number of chocolates of Suman is less than 26 and is an odd number which is divisible by 3 but not by 5, then how many chocolates does Suman have?
How many persons are heavier than I?
Six players T, U, V, W, X, and Y scored different runs in a cricket match. W scored more than Y and T. Three players scored more than X, who scored just...
Among seven friends D, E, F, G, H, I and J. E is taller than only four other friends. F is taller than G. D is taller than I. H is taller than one perso...
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
D, B, F, C, G, A and E are of different weights. Only G is lighter than F. C...
Which student is immediate taller than G?
B is heavier than F but lighter than Y. E is lighter than B but heavier than F. D is heavier than F and Y. Who is the heaviest?
Who secured the highest marks?