As the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is set to complete nine years in August, the total number of beneficiaries is set to cross the 500-million mark. In July, the number of total account holders under the PMJDY reached 495.6 million, with a total outstanding of over Rs 2 trillion. Of this, 275.6 crore are women, from both rural and urban areas. Of the 495.6 million beneficiaries, 244 million are with public sector banks, while 79.2 million accounts are with regional rural banks.
Breadth of product line refers to ______ a store carries.
A study of _______ is an important factor to decide on sales promotion policies and duration of such sales schemes.
All of the following might be used in the development phase, except
Excuses for not making a purchase commitment or decision are called:
Shoplifting is an example of when consumers do not adhere to:
Economics is making choices in the presence of _______.
Social media are