The government has mobilized a gross amount of Rs 5.77 lakh crore by issuing dated securities in the current financial year up to July 31, 2023. It has raised a net amount of Rs 4.18 lakh crore through the instrument in the same period. The central government has planned to raise net debt resources of Rs 17.99 lakh crore from various sources in 2023-24, mainly to finance its fiscal deficit. The government plans a gross market borrowing of Rs 15.4 lakh crore from dated securities in FY24.
Who is the author of the Sanskrit prose work ‘Dashakumaracharita’?
How many fundamental duties of Indian citizens are there in the Indian Constitution, as of March 2022?
In which year was the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) launched?
Chholiya" is a folk dance associated with which Indian state?
"Pancha Siddhantika," authored by Varahamihira, pertains to which discipline?
Which of the following Export Control Regime has recently admitted India into their membership
Which Earth layer is critical for generating the magnetic field?
Revenue is recognized when the revenue is earned, not when the cash is received
1. E-Pashudhan haat portal connecting indigenous breeders of cattle and farmers was launched by:
Which of the following International Organisation does not have its headquarter at London, UK?