SEBI has reduced the validity period of approval given to alternative investment funds (AIFs) and venture capital funds (VCFs) for making overseas investments to four months from six months at present. If these funds fail to make investments within this time limit, then Sebi can allocate their unutilized limits to other applicant AIFs and VCs.
A building has seven floors numbered one to seven in such a manner that the ground floor is numbered one, the floor above it is numbered two, and so on,...
Select the option which is related to the third word exactly as the second word is related to first one.
Enjoyable : Pleasant : : Excellent : ?
Statement: Some gold is silver. All are silver metal.
i) Some gold are metal.
ii) Some metals are silver.
Statement: India has invited Hi-Tech Technology for participation in the 5G test.
Select the correct statement from the given statements
Select the word-pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the pairs of words given below.
(The words must be consi...
Select the option that represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in an English dictionary.
1. Variance
2. Viole...
Clock : Time :: Compass : ?
Find the missing number in the following number series:
22.5, ____, 26.5, 30, 34.5
In a certain code language,
'Space Thee Bliss' is written as 'is jk th',
'Bliss Youth Last' is written as 'th cu wn',
'River Last G...
The position of how many letters will remain unchanged if each of the letter in the word 'POCKET' is arranged in alphabetical order?