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SARAS Aajeevika is an initiative by Deendayal Antyodaya (DAY-NRLM), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. SARAS Aajeevika is a strong supporter of women's empowerment, with a special focus on uplifting women artisans and Self-Help Groups (SHGs). By creating a special marketplace for their well-crafted products, SARAS Aajeevika boosts the skills and talents of these women, helping them become independent entrepreneurs.
Browning or hollow stem of cauliflower is primarily caused by:
Consider the following stages:
1. Spore germination
2. Embryo infection
3. Spore on flower grain
4. Infected g...
Where is Indian institute of vegetable research situated?
When was the cotton supply association founded in Britain?
S content in Copper sulphate is
Which fish can be easily grown in brackish water with quick growth rate and can tolerate the fluctuations in temperature?
Sew village concept facilitates the empowerment of Agriculture farmers
How many mandis are covered under E-nam till now?
Which of the following statements is not true for Dhaincha?
During which period, the growth rate is maximum and reaches the top because at this stage the cell division and physiological processes are quite fast?