Anwarul Haq Kakar has been appointed as the caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan. This decision was taken on the advice of the outgoing Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, President Dr. This comes three days after Arif Alvi dissolved the Parliament of Pakistan. President Dr. Arif Alvi has approved the appointment of Anwarul Haq Kakar as Caretaker Prime Minister.
choose the option which represents a pair of either synonyms or antonyms.
Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
Branch of physics dealing with the properties of sound
Choose the word(s) that have been correctly spelt and mark your answer accordingly.
The new policy is transparent and easy to understand.
Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
An annual calendar that contains important dates and time
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
1) The first
2) balloon assent
3) was in 1783
4) in Canada
5) No error