The G20 Film Festival is being organized in New Delhi from 16 August. The festival has been started with Satyajit Ray's Pather Panchali. The festival is being organized by the India International Center and the G20 Secretariat of the Ministry of External Affairs. It was inaugurated by actor Victor Banerjee and India's G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant. This film festival will run on 2 September.
The study of lizards is known as
What is the normal blood pressure range for a healthy adult?
Which vitamin is produced by the human skin when exposed to sunlight?
Which enzymes are contained in pancreatic juice?
Which component is incorrectly listed as part of the phloem structure?
Bile is secreted by _________
Which disease is caused by bacteria?
Which of the following hormone used as the medication to facilitate childbirth?
RNA molecules are composed of nucleotides that include ribose sugars, nitrogenous bases, and which additional groups?
Which human organ is affected by 'Xerophthalmia'?