HDFC Mutual Fund (MF) has decreased 2.12 per cent stake in Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE). The mutual fund company held a 7.4 per cent stake in GRSE and this has come as of now. down to 5.28 per cent.
What will be the average kinetic energy per molecule in Sl units for an ideal gas at a temperature of 25°C?
The Walayar Dam is in which district of Kerala?
Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Government of India’s New Integrated Food Security Scheme?
A. This New Integrated...
________ is known as the 'Father of Indian Ornithology'.
How many housing finance companies are included in the upper layer under scale based regulation for NBFCs for the year 2023-24 according to the Reserve ...
Which nation-wide campaign was initiated by the Government of India on Gandhi Jayanti, 2014?
Which of the following environmentalists was awarded the Stockholm Water Prize in 2015?
Which private banks have been excluded from the list of institutions where individuals can apply for the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate, 2023, accord...
Where was G7 summit 2022 concluded?
Who among the following is the author of the book ‘The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company’?