Tiger Global and DST Global has sold a 1.8 per cent stake in online food ordering platform Zomato for Rs 1,412 crore through open market transactions. Axis Mutual Fund, SBI Life Insurance Company, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company, Founders Collective Fund, Morgan Stanley Asia Singapore and Societe Generale, among others were the buyers of the shares of Zomato.
Which Indian state's school teacher has been selected as one of the top 10 finalists for the Global Teacher Prize 2023?
Archaeologists recently found the world’s oldest known cave picture in Leang Karampuang cave. This cave is associated with which country?
In which year the Sarang Helicopter Display Team of India was formed?
Which mobile application was launched by the Ministry of Textiles during the Jute Symposium, providing information about Minimum Support Prices ( MSP ) ...
_________ and NPCI Bharat BillPay Ltd (NBBL) have tied up for the launch of cross-border inward bill payment services for Indians based in Oman.
IFFCO will collaborate with ________ will manufacture Nano DAP for a period of three years.
What is the primary role of the newly incorporated CCIL IFSC in GIFT City?
How much does the Indian government plan to invest in river cruise tourism and green vessel development by 2047, according to Union Minister Sarbananda ...
According to the survey conducted by the Bank of America,what rank has India gained in terms of the most favoured markets in the Asia Pacific region?
Which of the following indices will include Indian Government Securities (G-Secs) as part of global market indices, and what is the significance of this...