CalyampudiRadhakrishna Rao, a prominent Indian-American mathematician and statistician, will receive the 2023 International Prize in Statistics, the equivalent to the Nobel Prize in the field, for his monumental work 75 years ago that revolutionised statistical thinking.
Soil moisture potential is measured with the help of ______instrument.
The element which becomes deficit in acidic conditions ___
Which of the following group of soil is the largest and most important group of India?
Match the following:
1. Soil moisture tension ...
Which of the following element is mobile in soil but immobile in plants?
with the help of ICT, a system to identify, analyse and manage site soil spatial and temporal variability within field for optimum profitability sustain...
Drought which is related to moisture deficits in vegetation roots , lead to crop growth stress, crop yield reduction or failure driven by low precipit...
In water logged soils maximum microbes found are
Nutrient that imparts winter hardiness to plant is____
The Fertilizer (control) order came into force in